Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Battling the NRA - A comprehinsive list of organizations who want to change gun laws.

One of the things the NRA understands, because it's practiced in every oppressed nation in the world, is that you have to suppress the voice of your opponent if you want to keep them down.  So, what's going on to empower us to rise up?

Here's a comprehensive list of sites who want to make a difference all in one place.

1)  He's a single source of information about gun violence that's being gathered and organized - Gun Violence Archive.  The more you know.

2) Notice how they threaten anyone who wants to break up with them - sounds very much like an abusive spouse.  If you would like to know who's partnered with the NRA, here's the list- Drain the NRA.  If you want to let these companies know how you feel about their partnership with this vitriolic organization, phone numbers and addresses are included.  They need our support and encouragement to leave this abusive organization.

3) Here is where you can go to let your voice be heard -March For Our Lives  .  They have organized events to keep our voices out there.  Make sure you know where to be.

4) There's another organization that is pushing for gun reform as well: Every Town for Gun Safety.

5) Here's another organization that is fighting against gun violence - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  

If you know of another organization or source of information you think would be helpful, share it in the comments section. 

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