Wednesday, February 28, 2018

FedEx and its weird bromance with the NRA

I don't get FedEx and their loyalty to the NRA when the public backlash is obviously so overpowering.  I could understand if they were aligning themselves with an underdog who was trying to champion a cause but this is not what the NRA is doing.  The NRA is oppressive and antagonistic.  They attack those who don't support them and spread fear and misinformation. They have a stranglehold on our politicians so that they cannot serve the people.  This is not an honorable organization.

In my opinion, Sandy Hook should have shaken everyone to the core.  That should have been enough to look at the NRA in the eye and say, "Hey, we are going to start doing some serious research and put some measures in place to prevent this from happening again."   FedEx, were you not aghast by this event?  Did you not think the NRA was overstepping in not allowing our leaders to gather data and find solutions?  Did you not have any employees that were directly impacted by that event?

And then there's this nasty display by Ted Nugent.   Many people may not know this but Ted Nugent is on the Board of the NRA.  FedEx, why would you, or any self-respecting company for that matter, align your brand with this?  How is this befitting your organization?

I have always viewed FedEx as a smart, creative, American brand; associating it with Tom Hanks and a soccer ball named Wilson.  Now, I'm just baffled.  

And now it's the NRA that's dictating to our country's leaders how schools should address these threats.  And the answer isn't that the schools hire personnel who are trained to serve and protect.  No, they want teachers and staff to be burdened with the responsibility of protecting students with guns.  So, FedEx, you and your employees can drop kids off to school knowing that you get to go on with your productive lives and the teachers, who are not related to you, are expected to deal with this problem by putting their lives on the line protecting your kids.  Do you really not have an issue with this?

Do you not have employees who have been impacted by the multiple mass shootings that have happened in this country?  What a slap in the face to them.  Honestly, I don't get it, I really don't.  But to each his own.  

Thankfully we are in a country where we have choices.  So, you'll know why I'm choosing UPS and why I'm contacting companies who ship to me regularly and asking them to use UPS as well.

Good luck, I hope the NRA proves to be worth your loyalty.

1 comment:

Science IT and Leisure said...

have a great day