Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night.

Ok, so I'm not going to let my Bush bash be the last post you see from me before the Holidays. Hey, I was crazy about that guy so I have every right to be equally disdainful of him.

I am going to be scarce over the next few days as I spend the holidays with my sister in D.C. So,

Nora, have a wonderful Christmas with your sons and John.
Krysten, I know you're ready for the holidays to be over with but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy every moment once the moment begins.
Elizabeth, I hope you, Chris and Athena have a wonderful Christmas.
And, finally, Cathy, you've been on my mind all day and I'll be thinking of you over the holidays. Take care of yourself and I hope you find some comfort in the warmth of the season.

Ok, all.......

Merry Christmas


Freebird said...

Merry Christmas to you too! I sure hope you get to feeling better and have fun with your sis.

k said...

Hey-just saw this post tonight. I hope you had a great holiday season and Yes, I'm glad they're over with.