Monday, December 18, 2006


Hear ye hear ye gentle people from Blogspot and welcome neighbors from livejournal and myspace. Girl From Texas has an announcement of the utmost importance!

I have decided to start my own real estate company. This is why I have been so absent lately because I have been wrapping everything up. I wanted to start doing business under my new company today, my birthday.

Everything is done. LLC and dba's have been filed, signs are in the ground business cards are here, agreements with clients have been signed. Now, it's time to do business....the scary part.

So what brought this on? My broker last month decided to dip into my commission. It was just what I needed to push me over to this side. It's time to do for myself that which I so freely do for others.

So, this is all I can post for now. Friends are taking me to Mark's to celebrate my birthday. I'll post more later.


Freebird said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday!For your birthday I'll wish you lots of success!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Happy Birthday -- now get out there and knock 'em dead!

A Girl From Texas said...

Thanks everyone. I'm really excited.

Cathy said...

Happy belated Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful evening.

This is exciting news. I can't wait to hear all the details. And, you are right, it is time you do for yourself.