I love the SuperBowl. It's the party and the commercial and tradition around it that I love so much. I don't watch a minute of football during the season and I pay very little attention to the statistics throughout the season but I'm always aware of the upcoming event.
So, I found a site that lists 40 amazing Superbowl facts. Below are my favorite 10. The link to the site is at the bottom of page.
1) Per their contract with FOX Sports, camera operators will get paid a bonus every time they show a celebrity in the stands -- and the bonus doubles if the celebrity is young and female.
2) Super Bowl footballs are made from specially modified pigs commissioned by the league with "NFL" watermarks tattooed into their skin.
3) A recent study was supressed because it revealed the TV average viewer loses 2.6 I.Q. points while watching the Super Bowl.
4) The current Motorola headsets used by sideline coaches feature military-grade voice encryption.
5) The week before the Super Bowl is the peak U.S. sales period for beer, soda and urinal cakes.
6) The NFL commissioner's office gives a pair of tickets for the following year's Super Bowl to the parents of the first baby born after kickoff.
7) Cruise ships are forced to remain in port the day of the Super Bowl because the last three times Boston and New York teams played for a sports championship, the game coincided with the sinking of the Titanic, the Andrea Doria and the Lusitania.
This doesn't make sense to me, there were no superbowls when the Titanic sank.8) The number of chickens used to meet the nationwide demand for hot wings during the game is roughly equivalent to the population of New York City.
9) At one point during their 1980 Super Bowl season, 31 players on the Los Angeles Raiders 40-man roster were convicted felons.
10) New technology proposed by the FCC would determine when an obscenity is spoken by fans attending the game, who would then be required to pay fines as a condition of leaving the stadium.
The source of these Amazing but True Facts is
HERE. Enjoy!