Saturday, February 04, 2006

First Reading

I went to dinner last night with my neighbor friend, Dawn, to celebrate my news. I really like her and think she is a neat person to know and hang with. I hope we grow to be very old friends.

Anyway, she asked me to read her cards. Yikes! I've never read anyone else's cards, I've only done it for myself. I'm so nervous reading for someone else because I don't trust my interpretation of the future in the cards. What if I interpret them wrong and the other person makes decisions based on it?

I agreed to do it and told her I would be referring to my book a lot because I wanted to be sure I was doing it right. She seemed ok with that and trusted my judgement.

So, I gave my first reading and when all was said and done, it made sense and she told me it was very accurate in terms of where she was and what it said of her past. So, now we'll see how the future unfolds and if I got it right.

I wonder if I have the gift.....


Freebird said...

Well, if you think you do don't second guess yourself. The person you're doing the reading for will know if anything you're saying makes sense or not.

k said...

Oh - if I lived closer, I'd let you "practice" reading my cards-that would be blast!

Forest Lady said...

I met a lady at a dinner party who does palmistry a few years ago. She took my hand and looked it over and told me more about my life than even my husband knows. Freaky!