Friday, May 02, 2008

Cleaning House

I fired a client today. I'm still a little shaken by it. I was going to do it by e-mail but friends and associates encouraged me to do it over the phone and then send a nice note in the mail as a follow up. It had to be done. He was becoming very abusive towards me. I'm so glad it's over.

On other news; not going to Italy. Things became too complicated..... I'm really disappointed.

Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been rather distracted with work and all.

Will post later.


Anonymous said...

I have lots of clients I wish I could fire, because I hate them. They're sleazy. But I can't. I'm not high enough. Plus, this town is so small they'll bad mouth you.

A Girl From Texas said...

My client, interestingly enough, was an attorney. He was pushing me around and I was growing increasingly more nervous about working with him.

Anonymous said...

And now you know what my life is like. Male attorneys are the worst when dealing with women, especially the older men. They think they can intimidate and push you around - especially when they finally see you and think you're 25 and the ink is still drying on your bar license.

Timmy said...

Changing the subject completely...

Whatever happened to the new logo(?) design? Just asking. :-)

Chris said...

Firing anyone is no fun. I've had to fire or lay off three people this year. Bleh.