Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Something I've never done before

I'm one of those people that is called "brand loyal". I have only one gas card. I have the same insurance I've had since I started driving. I was raised in a Republican household and I vote Republican. And if I don't vote Republican, then I vote Independent. In the early 90's I couldn't bring myself to vote "the enemy", so I went half-way and voted for Perot.....twice.

This time, I went all out and voted Democrat. I am so angry with the party and I had no other recourse. That was it. That was all I knew to do. And now I discover, I'm not alone. There are other loyal Republicans who feel as I do that the party is letting them down.

My issue is not so much with the war on Iraq as much as it is women's issues and a lack of tolerance overall for people who see things differently. I sincerely think that the Republican party is just a bunch of white, self-righteous, christian men who believe they know what's better for us than we do. I'm sick of it. Really, I am.


John said...
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John said...

The Republicans think they are the Party of God. Which in Arabic is pronounced "Hezbollah"...

A Girl From Texas said...

Hmmm.... can there be more than one Hezbollah? Can two Hezbollah be enemies of one another?

Which Hezbollah is right? Oh, nevermind, I know....the one with the most money.